Remote Air Cooled Condensers

Tandem Chillers Inc. designs remote condenser air cooled chillers for operation in the toughest conditions and temperature extremes. Our unique coil support system isolates the refrigerant tubes from the frame; tubes expand and contract without interference preventing contact and friction wear. Designed to operate with fan cycling down to 50°F (10°C) ambient temperature, with the addition of speed control of the first fan down to 0°F (-17.7°C) and with the addition head pressure control valves for flooded condenser down to -25°F (-31°C). Condenser can also be selected to operate up to 110°F (43°C) summer ambient conditions. Corrosion resistant components insure long lasting operation.

Main Features of the Remote Air Cooled Condensers
  • Corrosion Resistant Housing.
  • High Efficiency Coil.
  • Computerized Coil Circuiting.
  • Unique Coil Design.
  • Condenser Fans.
  • Fan Motors.
  • Weather Resistant Control Panel.
  • Head Pressure Control.
  • 410A units rated for 650 psi and 134A units rated for 450 psi.
Remote Air Cooled TRAC
134aTRAC-SSY 134aN/A
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